Robair exports

Services By Sea
Sea freight/Seasonal Orders
Seasonal products such as citrus, grapes or stone fruits are packed for Robair at the grower's farm and exported by sea to our international customers in full container loads. For information about our seasonal products available by sea please refer to our seasonal calendar. Dairy and Meat items are in the main, exported by sea. They are done so using the state of the art and up to date facilities and systems our suppliers have adopted.
To enquire about Robair's airfreight or sea freight services please contact leo@robair.com.au

Services By Air
Robair specializes in airfreight of fresh Australian produce to all parts of the globe.
International supermarkets, specialty stores, wholesalers and importers comprise the mix of our satisfied customers who take advantage of Robair's highly professional airfreight service.
Airfreight Mixed Orders - All year round
As an Airfreight customer you can select from a fresh produce list of over 200 items at any one time. You can take advantage of the convenience of choosing from our huge range with the knowledge your shipments will arrive on time with freshness guaranteed.
Airfreight Seasonal Orders
Seasonal products such as fresh grown Australian asparagus, citrus, grapes or stone fruits are packed for Robair at the grower's farm and exported by air direct to our international customers in full AVE or Pallet loads. For information about our seasonal products available by air please refer to our seasonal calendar under Our Products.